Goinda's Naughty Secret

Kohei Kaga

(C)Kohei Kaga


Bonsuke Hirano, an exceptionally ordinary high school boy, returns to his homeroom after school to pick something up, only to find the school's number-one serene beauty, Kokuru Goinda, fidgeting around in his desk… "Huh? Does she…like me? Wait, maybe not?" A young man's naivety meets the full force of a gal's allure in this tantalizing tale of teen love!


Latest Update : August 2, 2024

Updated to the latest chapter on the app!

Chapter 1 -1

Chapter 1 -1


My Desk VS Goinda

Read for free
Chapter 1 -2

Chapter 1 -2


My Desk VS Goinda

Read for free
Chapter 2 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 2 -1

Committee Selection VS Goinda

Chapter 2 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 2 -2

Committee Selection VS Goinda

Chapter 3 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 3 -1

Boredom VS Goinda

Chapter 3 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 3 -2

Boredom VS Goinda

Chapter 4 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 4 -1

Umbrella VS Goinda

Chapter 4 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 4 -2

Umbrella VS Goinda

Chapter 5 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 5 -1

Sharing VS Goinda

Chapter 5 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 5 -2

Sharing VS Goinda

Chapter 6
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 6

Contact Info VS Goinda

Chapter 7 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 7 -1

Love Ticket VS Goinda

Chapter 7 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 7 -2

Love Ticket VS Goinda

Chapter 8
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 8

Boobs VS Goinda

Chapter 9
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 9

The King Game VS Goinda

Chapter 10
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 10

Name VS Goinda

Chapter 11
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 11

Shorts VS Goinda

Chapter 12
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 12

Fever VS Goinda

Chapter 13 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 13 -1

Mother VS Goinda

Chapter 13 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 13 -2

Mother VS Goinda

Chapter 14 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 14 -1

My Room VS Goinda

Chapter 14 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 14 -2

My Room VS Goinda

Chapter 15 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 15 -1

Inappropriate Studies VS Goinda

Chapter 15 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 15 -2

Inappropriate Studies VS Goinda

Chapter 16 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 16 -1

Pictures VS Goinda

Chapter 16 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 16 -2

Pictures VS Goinda

Chapter 17
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 17

Sleepover VS Goinda

Chapter 18 -1
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 18 -1

Escape VS Goinda

Chapter 18 -2
Exclusive on the app!

Chapter 18 -2

Escape VS Goinda